Guess who broke their car today??? Me. Now the situation was very stressful. I was reversing back into my driveway and when I tried to put the car in the reverse the whole shift box (or in the words of London Tipton the PRNDL) broke. Now I am stuck on a small hill, blocking the road, and there is a car in front of me.
Now on my left, my next-door neighbour wants to leave the road but she can't because I am blocking it. I call my mum who tells me that I need to push the car into the driveway (Yeah I gathered that much) and to get my other neighbours to help push the car.
We got the car into the driveway. But this was one of the worst experiences of my life because I was driving the car the whole day pretty much and for most of it, my brother was with me.
This was me today trying to explain what broke to my parents and I did not know the name of it